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شهادة ICDL  تدريبات وامتحانات والمزيد


الامتحانات باللغة الانجليزية لشهادة ICDL ECDL

  المقرر الثالث معالجة الكلمات Word Processing  

Getting Started - Opening and Closing Word; Opening and Closing Documents; Entering Text and Saving Documents; Selecting Text with the Mouse; Selecting Text with the Keyboard; Using Help; Correcting Mistakes; Views; Displaying Toolbars; Print Preview; Printing.
Formatting Text - Changing the Look of the Text; Aligning Text; Inserting Symbols and Special Characters; Bullets and Numbering; Indenting Text; Putting Borders and Shading to Text; Using the Format Painter; Styles; Hyphenation; Page Numbering.
Working with Long Documents - Moving and Copying Text; Page Breaks; Margins; Line Spacing; Headers and Footers; Changing the Page Orientation and Paper Size; Tabs; Spelling and Grammar; Go To, Find and Replace.
Tables - Creating and Editing Tables; Borders in Tables; Shading in Tables; Formatting in Tables.
Using Graphics in Word; Drawing Shapes; Formatting Shapes; Inserting, Moving and Resizing ClipArt.
Working with Files - Using and Creating Templates; Saving as a Different Format; Importing Excel Worksheets into Word; Creating an Embedded Excel Chart; Importing Charts from Excel into Word.
Mail Merge - Creating a Data Document for a Mail Merge; Creating a Standard Letter for a Mail Merge; Carrying Out a Mail Merge; Creating Mailing Labels.


الامتحانات باللغة الانجليزية المقرر الثالث معالجة الكلمات


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